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© 2024 Rachel Arieff's Anti-Karaoke.
Anti-Karaoke® es una marca registrada #2,722,610 de la Oficina Española de Patentes y Marcas, al titular Rachel Arieff. Conforme a la Ley de Marcas, el registro de la marca confiere a su titular el derecho exclusivo a utilizarla en el tráfico económico. Queda prohibido utilizar la marca Anti-Karaoke®, copiar el concepto, o copiar el contenido de esta web para fines comerciales.
Anti-Karaoke® is a registered trademark #2,722,610 of the Spanish Patent and Trademark Office, owned by Rachel Arieff. In accordance with the Trademark Law, the registration of the trademark confers on its owner the exclusive right to use it in economic traffic. It is prohibited to use the Anti-Karaoke® brand, copy the concept, or copy the content of this website for commercial purposes.